Mempool Configuration API

Retrieve and update your Mempool Configuration, seamlessly with our API


To interact with your Mempool Node Dashboard Configuration, you need to use the following base API:

You must utilise our following endpoints:

Get All Watched Addresses

Required Parameters:

apiKey - This is the API Key for your current API Configuration, you can find this on your Mempool Node Dashboard

Get A Specific Watched Address

Required Parameters:

apiKey - This is the API Key for your current API Configuration, you can find this on your Mempool Node Dashboard

addressIndex - This is the index which is provided via the watchedAddress API, the index maps 1:1 with the response from watchedAddresses

Set A Specific Watched Address

Required Parameters:

apiKey - This is the API Key for your current API Configuration, you can find this on your Mempool Node Dashboard

body - This is where you set the address you wish to watch in your current API Configuration

addressIndex - This is the index which is provided via the watchedAddress API, the index maps 1:1 with the response from watchedAddresses

Add A New Watched Address

Required Parameters:

apiKey - This is the API Key for your current API Configuration, you can find this on your Mempool Node Dashboard

body - This is where you set the address you wish to watch in your current API Configuration

Remove A Watched Address

Required Parameters:

apiKey - This is the API Key for your current API Configuration, you can find this on your Mempool Node Dashboard

addressIndex - This is the index which is provided via the watchedAddress API, the index maps 1:1 with the response from watchedAddresses

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